Questions and Answers with Lesbians 1.

Allegedly, lesbians are disappointed heterosexuals or bisexuals. Is this true? 

Not true. Disappointment alone is never reason enough. There are many, many kinds of lesbians. The vast number of disillusioned heterosexuals who have not yet become homosexual. Because it’s not that simple, “Someone disappointed me. And hen from now on, I will only go to have sex with the same sex.”

Not least because whoever is disappointed does not represent the whole male gender. Above all the same sex can disappointed you too! 

Read this 7 stories from women!

Do lesbian women also like anal sex? 

Usually yes. There are plenty of pages for lesbians mentioned, and there are plenty of forms for that too.

If two lesbians have been together for a long time, will they also have less sex like straight couples usually do? 

It can’t be generalized, but it’s inevitable that in a long-term relationship – be it gay or straight – sex is always changing. As the two people get closer and closer to each other, they realize that intimacy can be experienced in many ways, not just in sex. One consequence of this may be that sex, or certain forms of it, become thinner or shorter. 

Related article here!

Are the roles assigned to lesbians as well? Is one who plays the man’s role? 

In the relationship of two women, there are two women. There are no male or female sexual roles. Just like in a heterosexual relationship, the goal is to make both parties feel good in the process.

Still, of course, there are also those here who are just looking for their pleasure. Whether you are slightly more active during sex it is completely variable. It can be only one or the other, but it can also be alternated, just as it should be. 

How do they recognize each other? 

They may not recognize each other. If you’re at a lesbian or gay party, it’s a little easier. But there are often straight girls there too.

Once someone has enough experience, they can recognize the other based on how they react to their environment. Or from smaller signs, such as a gesture or a look. 

Read the exciting sequel here!