Questions and Answers with Lesbians 2.

Read the first part here!

Are most lesbians really masculine? Why do they dress like a man? Why do they cut their hair like a man? And wear more fancy stuff, and so on. 

This is not true. Because very boyish girls are more conspicuous, people might think that most lesbians are. Being a lesbian is a kind of freedom. Radiating from women’s magazines, compliance for men has little effect on them. This way, they can choose a style and behave more freely.

Probably some of the girls wear menswear because they feel good  themself in it. They do not have to wear uncomfortable shoes or clothes. That’s how they might feel completely lesbian when they break out the socially expected image of a woman. 

Lesbians are said to be more undemanding than straight women. Is this true? 

This is not true. There are undemanding people everywhere in society.  This has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Not all lesbians want to spasmodically match the expected, perfect image of a woman. Perhaps this is why some call this “unpretentiousness”. 

If they want a child, how do they decide which one to give birth? 

Based on many, many discussions. Many times only one of them wants to give birth, other times both. But there are plenty of other factors that can influence their decision, for example, work, financial situation, state of health, age, etc.

There is also the possibility of adoption. Here, however, it does not hurt to clarify in advance which of them will be the child’s official guardian! 

Are women more tolerant of physical changes? Because the perfect look is quite a requirement for gays … 

Women are perhaps more understanding. But here, too, there are people who appreciate looks very much, even judging. It does not depend on sexual orientation. Someone maybe a little more open because they also feel the harmful effects of excessive expectations on their own skin, but this is unfortunately not the case for everyone. 

Is a shaved pussy fashionable for lesbians too? 

Yes. Like the straight women, there are all sorts of fashions here, everyone tailoring their pussy to their own individuality. 

The 5 most common pussy shape!