Questions and answers with Lesbians 3.

Have you read the previous questions and answers from lesbians? If not, you can find them here and here!

What if both women are hysterical? 

Then there are quite a few quarrels. Hysteria, by the way, also doesn’t depend on what gender someone is.

There are also many hysterical (hetero) men too. 

Do lesbians also seduce their partners? Are there games in a relationship too? 

This female practice / male practice, female brain / male brain topic, is greatly exaggerated. Most of the roles that appear in a relationship are not male or female-specific.

Games appear everywhere. It is up to the members of the couple to decide how well they can handle these. And anyone can seduce. 

Do lesbians have many toys for sex? Can lesbians have sex without sex toys? 

It depends on who and what do they prefer. There is a huge market for sex toys and accessories on the Internet. Everyone finds the right one for them. Of course, lesbians can also make love without sex accessories and are very good. Like heterosexuals! Many people do not feel they need to involve toys. 

What if someone loves the dildo? How does this affect her partner emotionally? 

In all essential matters, including sex, it is vital that there is harmony between couples and that they are open to each other’s ideas. Some people find the dildo unnecessary or afraid of it. If the partner is specifically an auxiliary, it can affect them badly.

Of course, this is not such a big deal and can be solved by conversation. If they love each other, they will soon get over the problem, whether they end up using a dildo or not. 

Can one woman really satisfy another better than a man? Is it possible for a man to learn those practices? 

If the two women are attracted to each other, then yes. However, if there is no consistency, it does not matter. But this is also the case with hetero couples. And the practices can be learned by anyone! It is essential to pay attention to our couple’s small signals, talk a lot, and technique! 

Do lesbians also play orgasm? 

Not so typical. Sex is usually quite different; lesbians pay much more attention to each other, so they no need to play. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are not typical. Heteros, under the law of large numbers, have more relationships where male satisfaction is paramount.

And a woman’s orgasm is all about glorifying their performance. Many times women themselves think this is how it should work. And that’s why they prefer to play for pleasure for the spiritual peace of their partner. And I don’t think there is a need for a play in a sincere relationship between heteros either! 

Read some good sex tips from women here!